For social media managers and content creators, or anyone who uses social media, Cosmos is a fun and powerful tool with a ton of surprising features.
This is a straightforward guide to setting up and getting the most out of your Cosmos.
Ripples is for monitoring and analyzing social media. Customize playlists with social media feeds that are integrated with analytics to give important data and allow quick and simple content tracking, extraction, and analysis.
In the past, if you wanted to monitor different social media feeds, you had to go to Facebook or Twitter or YouTube, and look up the accounts one at a time, in different tabs, different apps etc. Now, just set up a Ripples Playlist and all those social channels are there, side by side.
My Ripples
How does it work?
Let’s say you wanted to track the social media content teams in your favourite sports league to benchmark how they use social media to connect with their fans.
Compilation > Album > Playlist
First, create a Compilation. In this case, you might call it ‘Teams Benchmarking’
Within the Compilation, create an Album, ‘AFL Teams’,

…and within each Album, Playlists. For example, ‘Melbourne Demons’

In this playlist, you might add all the official social media accounts managed by the Melbourne Demons AFL team. Click on Add Channels and search for the social channels.

*Instagram Note: When searching for Instagram channels, you’ll need to enter the exact name of the account. For example, in this case, I found that the Melbourne Demons Instagram account is called “melbournefc”, so I paste that into the search field.

Add Keywords
As well as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube accounts, you can add a keyword stream to your playlist. Select from Twitter or YouTube, and this stream will show relevant content from that platform based on your keyword.

Now you have a playlist of all the official social media accounts for the Melbourne Demons, plus keyword streams as well.
Now you can go ahead and add other teams in the league by setting up more playlists or compare accounts from different teams side by side in one playlist. For example, the Instagram accounts of different teams. It’s up to you how you arrange your albums and playlists!
*Note the number of channels you can add in Ripples depends on your subscription package.

Our Picks
Before you create your own Ripples playlist, take a look through the Our Picks playlists which have been curated to give you a sample of how they work. Who knows? You might get a few ideas or discover some interesting new content here.

View Stats
Under each post displayed on Ripples, you’ll see the total engagement for that post along with two figures showing the growth in engagement over time as percentages. The figure on the left, ‘Growth’, shows how much the engagement has grown since yesterday, and on the right, ‘Average Growth’, shows total growth averaged out over the period that data has been collected.
*Note: Ripples will begin collecting engagement data once you set up a playlist, even if your streams show posts from days before.
Click ‘View Stats’, to see an expanded version which you can break down into comments, likes or views.

You can also see some of the upcoming features that will be added, like channel, keyword and hashtag stats. Keep your eyes peels for those updates!
Prism Analytics
Prism Analytics is a color analytics tool for extracting data on the colors used in image content. Colors are a crucial component of branding, helping to establish a brand persona, which is carried through the mood and tone of each piece image and video that brand uses. Click on the color wheel icon under an image in your Ripples feed, and Ripples will generate a color palette, shown under the image, which you can download.

Click Analyzer and you’ll see a detailed breakdown including the color distribution in the image, color psychology with sentiment analytics to indicate mood and tone, and brand attributes.
Prism analytics lets you extract colors in 3 different formats: HBX, RBG, and CMYK, users can fully deconstruct images and branding directly from social feeds with this unique feature.

Social media platforms deliver non-stop streams of content. If there’s content that you or your team need to take note of, you need to save it or else it’s hard to find it again! Keeps is a one-click ‘save’ function. Once you’ve clicked on the Keep button and the icon is yellow, you’ll find that kept content under the ‘Library’ tab on the left-hand menu.


Adding tags to a post helps you organize content into groups and folders for easy searching and management, especially if you have a team that need to collaborate or different projects on the go.
Add Channels
Clicking Add channel will give you either one or two options: ‘Add to Channel Library’, or ‘Add to Analytics’.
Channel Library works similarly to Keeps, it’s a quick save function that saves the channel (the Facebook page, YouTube channel, Instagram account or Twitter handle), so you can then access anytime from anywhere on the Mandala AI ecosystem. For example, if you’re using Mandala Analytics, you can quickly open your Channel Library and see the channels you’ve saved.

The option to Add to Analytics will only be shown if you have access to mandala Analytics. In this case, you select a campaign and add the channel as an Analytics Channel in that campaign.
Filter/Change View
Filter for a specific keyword using the Quick Filter in the top right, hit search, and you will see just the content containing that keyword.

Clicking Mixed View will show rearrange the content on the screen to show the most recent to oldest, rather than the default streams, which are organized by channel.

Gallery view will change your dashboard to display images only.

Discover Now
The Discover Now dashboard is an aggregated feed of trending content from across social media (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok), plus a wide variety of news websites. We like to think of it as the front page of the social media web.

What you see is the recent social posts getting the most engagement. You see what the world is talking about, what’s making news, and getting attention.
Click the Facebook tab, the TikTok tab, or any of the other platform’s tab to filter for those platforms only.
To know what’s getting engagement in your specific area of interest, click one of the interest tabs at the top of the dashboard. From personal care and beauty to sports, you can check out what the biggest most important social media channels in that specific industry are posting right now.
The Mandala AI. Ecosystem:
Cosmos + Mandala Analytics + Alchemy

Cosmos is designed as a standalone tool for anyone to easily manage and monitor social media channels on a day-to-day basis. It’s powerful and loaded with practical features, but it’s only one module in the Mandala AI. ecosystem, with the other modules accessed via the menu on the left of your screen.
Mandala AI.’s modules are fully integrated, so you can upgrade and share the same user and group data between the different modules as your team grows or your needs change.
What is Mandala Analytics?
Social Listening and More!
Mandala Analytics is a complete online data analytics platform. You can track specific keywords across social networks by gathering large volumes of ‘mentions’ (social media posts and comments which contain your target keywords).
This is what’s known as ‘social listening’, and it’s how all major brands collect the marketing data they need to make key decisions, plan their operations, and manage their brand. Social listening is just one of many applications of web data analytics platform, you can learn more about Mandala Analytics and what it can do for you here.
What is Alchemy?
Alchemy is Mandala AI.’s notification and tag automation service. You can pre-assign incoming social media mentions into your tag groups, and/or receive notifications when your pre-set benchmarks are reached.

It’s a new way of passively tracking and monitoring social media content – in other words, working without having to do anything. Just set up an alchemy and the system will do it for you!
More Features Coming Soon!
Cosmos is constantly being improved and upgraded, with enhanced user experience and more functions being added, so keep an eye out for those updates.
Get Started
You can start using Cosmos anytime completely free. There’s no obligation to pay and you can use it for as long as you like. To get the full range of features though, we recommend upgrading to a paid plan, which start from just $15 a month.
Check out all the plans here
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